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31 Août 2016

Top 5 Resources for All Students


University is the place where if something can happen, it probably will. Luckily, the help you need is only steps away from your Hazelview Properties Apartment. Today’s post from the Hazelview Properties highlights five resources all students will want to know about as they return to campus this fall.

1. Registrar’s Office

What is holding you back from success? Whether your grades are mysteriously slipping or you simply can’t pick your major, the Registrars Office is your resource for academic solutions. Locate this spot on campus early, as it is essential for signing up for classes, changing your degree or creating a game plan with an advisor to stay on track for graduation. At the University of Toronto, the Registrar’s Office is located at University College (15 King’s College Circle, Room 157), only a 15-minute walk from The Maitlands Apartments (36 Maitland Street).

2. Wellness Centre 

Feel better when you feel sick with the peace of mind that help is only a short walk away. Visit the student wellness centre to see a health professional. At Western University in London, Student Health Services (1151 Richmond Street) is just a five-minute walk from The Dorchester Apartments (1231 Richmond Street).

3. Gymnasium

The campus gym is your spot to stay in shape, keeping your brain sharp and your body strong so that you can power through the school year. From Metropolitan Towers (57 Union Street East), students can take advantage of the gymnasiums, squash courts, pool, studios, rock climbing walls and more at the Physical Activities Complex (200 University Avenue West) at the University of Waterloo, a 10-minute bike ride from home.

4. Academic Centre

Not every class you take will or should be your cup of tea. You may need a tutor to walk you through coursework or give your paper a second glance. At the University of Ottawa, the Student Success Centre (SASS) is home to the Aboriginal Resource Centre, the Academic Writing Help Centre, mentoring programs, counseling services and more. The SASS main office (100 Marie-Curie Private, 4th Floor, MCE) is only a 10-minute walk from Stewart Apartments (146 Stewart Street).

5. Student Life

The social aspect of university is just as important as staying healthy and maintaining your good grades. Create a new network of friends and resources and learn a new skill by joining a club. At Hamilton’s McMaster University (1280 Main Street West), a five-minute drive or 20-minute walk from Glen Terrace Apartments (44 & 50 Glen Road), you can learn all about the campus clubs online.

Hazelview Properties wishes you an awesome start to the 2016/17 school year! For more information about Hazelview Properties Apartments, many of which are conveniently located near universities, visit our website today.Â