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16 Janvier 2020

The best places to toboggan in Calgary


Calgary is a city that knows how to do winter right! To help you enjoy this magical season to the fullest, Hazelview Properties has a list of the best places to toboggan in Calgary this winter. Maybe we'll see you there!

St. Andrew's Heights

St. Andrew's Heights is by far one of the best tobogganing spots in Calgary. Teens, tweens and adults love its long and steep hill, and there is a smaller hill near the Community Centre that's just right for your little ones. 

Confederation Park

Confederation Park is a great place to toboggan with the whole family this winter. It has multiple hills and is a simply beautiful area to visit and enjoy. The park also features an outdoor ice rink and recreational pathways that are perfect for winter walks and cross country skiing. 

Prairie Winds

Prairie Winds Park is a great place to toboggan as it has a variety of hills suitable for kids of all ages (and kids at heart). It's known for its impressive long and steep slope, but there are plenty of smaller slopes perfect for young kids, too.

Big Marlborough Park

Big Marlborough Park is a great place to go on a weekend with the whole family. It's a cozy spot thanks to its warming fire pits set up along its outdoor ice rink. Bring skates to fully enjoy your visit.

We hope to see you on one these amazing toboggan hills in Calgary this winter! Happy sledding from Hazelview. 

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