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21 Juillet 2016

Our Favourite Ways to Workout Outdoors


Mix up your workout routine this week by taking it outside. It’s easy and fun to work up a sweat under the summer sun. Discover the Hazelview Properties blog team’s favourite ways to workout outdoors in today’s post for Burlington apartments residents.

Bike Burlington

Burlington’s lakeside destination makes it a dream location for bike enthusiasts. After fine-tuning your bike at nearby Bent Rim Cycle (816 Miriam Crescent), a nine-minute bike ride from Barkley Towers Apartments (955 Warwick Court), head to the Waterfront Trail for your workout (less than a 10-minute bike ride away). For fun bike-related events, keep an eye on the Ontario By Bike online activities calendar.

Yoga in the Park

Another favourite outdoor workout is yoga. With a mat, sand or soft grass, you can easily transform any outdoor venue into a personal yoga studio. Join Yoga in the Park or gather your own group of friends for a self-taught morning session at your own pace.

Hike nearby

Tone your legs and arms by hiking on a regular basis this summer. Start your adventure at Rattlesnake Point (7200 Appleby Line), considered one of the most beautiful destinations in Ontario. Once here, make your way to the Buffalo Crag lookout for incredible views. This park is a 20-minute drive from Barkley Towers Apartments. Plan another hike at Kerncliff Park (2198 Kerns Road).This park is just a 10-minute drive away, and connects with multiple trails, making it easy to add some beautiful scenery to your workout routine.

Whether hiking, biking, running or doing yoga, there are countless ways to enjoy the great outdoors while working out. The Hazelview Properties blog team hopes one of today’s ideas adds a fresh burst of energy to your summer routine. For more information about Burlington apartments, visit our website today.Â