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3 Novembre 2016

How You Can Partake In Movember And Where To Donate


Move over October—Movember is here! The Movember Foundation is ready for a full month of mo-growing, Move challenges and more. Hazelview Properties hopes you will support Movember in your community this year in one of these ways. 

Grow Your Mo

Movember is the only global organization completely committed year-round to stop men from dying too young. Over $759 million has been raised since the project began in 2003. The easiest way to participate in this international movement is to grow a Mo! As you grow your mustache, join millions of other Mo Bros and Mo Sistas in raising funds and spreading the word about important men’s health issues.

Take The Move Challenge

Is mustache-growing not your thing? Make Movember your month for moving by committing to a Move challenge. Register for a race, take a class or try a new sport. Your efforts will help you stay healthy and promote men’s health.

Host An Event

Raise funds in an environment that’s comfortable and fun for your friends and family. Throw a dinner party, or host a dance party or movie night to raise money for Movember.  Here are a couple great tips for how to get started online.

Donate Online Or Shop For The Cause

Workaholic? If you can’t commit to growing a stache or hosting an event, you can still make an impact this Movember. Donate directly to the cause online or arrange a matching donation. Another easy option? Sport some Mo swag to spread the word as you go about your busy day. 

Happy Movember! Hazelview Properties hopes you support this worthy cause this month. Whether you try a Move challenge or grow the best mo in town, you can make a difference in men’s lives! For more information about Hazelview Properties apartments, visit our website. Â