Resident Portal

My Hazelview allows you to submit maintenance requests, review your personal account & payment details, view upcoming resident events, and receive building wide notices.

For residents in

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario & Nova Scotia

For residents in




About Hazelview
Founded in 1999, Hazelview is an active investor, owner, and manager of global real estate and related assets focused on delivering sustainable and growing returns to our investors. We maximize value by employing a value-oriented investment philosophy combined with an active, hands-on asset management platform, to identify opportunities that will generate predictable and sustainable long-term cash flow. We have earned a reputation for providing conservatively managed, risk-averse investment opportunities for both retail and institutional investors.

Hazelview Properties Guidelines
These guidelines are in place to help create a safe environment on all social media channels run by Hazelview Properties.

The aim of our social media platforms is to create an environment where our community members can engage in discussion and are free to make comments, questions and suggestions.

For anyone engaging with our social media channels, we ask that you show courtesy, kindness and respect for all members within.

In order to help create a safe, constructive environment we have set out guidelines which apply to any engagement with us or other members of the community on any of our social media channels.

If you post to one of our social media channels, or otherwise respond or comment on one of our posts, you are agreeing to abide by these Community Guidelines, which apply in addition to the Terms and Conditions or other legal notices that are provided by us and/or the owner of the social media platform. By engaging with our social media channels, you agree to follow these guidelines.

Comments must not:
• Contain spam, be defamatory of any person, deceive others, be obscene, offensive, threatening, abusive, hateful, inflammatory or promote sexually explicit material or violence.
• Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.
• Breach any of the terms of any of the social media platforms themselves.
• Be off-topic, irrelevant or unintelligible.
• Contain any advertising or promote any services.

This is not the right forum to send feedback on maintenance requests, lease terms or other matters relating to your rental agreement with Hazelview. Please use the Contact Us page to reach out to us so we can property assist you with any of your needs. 

Breach of Guidelines
We reserve the right to determine, at our discretion, whether contributions to our social media channels breach our guidelines. We reserve the right to hide or delete comments made on our channels, as well as block users who do not follow these guidelines. We also reserve the right to send any comments we deem appropriate to law enforcement authorities for investigation as we feel necessary or is required by law.

For More Information

Please contact:
Hazelview Properties
1133 Yonge Street | 2nd Floor | Toronto, ON M4T 2Y7
Phone: 1-844-304-9967
[email protected]

Accessible formats of the document are available free upon request by contacting Hazelview Properties at the above-noted phone number or email address.