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Sep 9th, 2014

Three apartment projects to tackle this fall

Get down to business this fall with the following important apartment projects to tackle. Once these simple tasks have been completed you will instantly feel less stressed and more organized. Hazelview has apartments throughout Canada including our  Mississauga communities located in the most convenient and accessible locations in the city. Let’s start tackling!

Closet Cleanout

With fall right around the corner, there is no better time to switch out your wardrobe and clear out any closet clutter. The first step in the closet de-cluttering process is to physically clear out all closets and drawers onto a cleared off space on the floor. With this all-encompassing view you will immediately be able to see how much stuff you have and how much space you have to fill. Once the objects are laid out, the best way to proceed is by dividing and conquering. Organize things into like categorizes of what you want to keep, possibly save and throw-out. If in doubt follow the ‘one year rule’, which dictates that if you haven’t worn it or used it in a year, it’s probably time to toss it. Next, invest in some organization before putting items back into their original places. Check out Homesense, less than a ten-minute drive from Hazelview’s 30 Central Parkway West community for items like slim hangers, handy shoe compartments, hampers and more. Finally separate your unwanted clothing into three piles: toss, donate and sell, and enjoy your newly cleaned closest.

Organize & Display Photos

Have hundreds (if not thousands) of photographs lying around both your home and computer? Now is the time to go through your photos and put them to good use. Spend a couple of hours going through and organizing any photos on your computer. Separate your favourites into a different folder where they can easily be found and then printed. When you are ready to print your pictures simply put them on a USB drive and take to a photograph printing location such as Costco or Henry’s, both a five-minute drive from Hazelview’s 3315 Fieldgate Drive apartments. Have them printed in the style you like (i.e. glossy or matte) and put into decorative frames for some sentimental décor that will make your apartment feel like home.

Clean out the fridge and freezer

This final task is probably the most dreaded among the three but is simple and easy with a plan of action in mind. Cleaning out the fridge and freezer makes healthy eating more convenient and also means that the food coming out of your fridge/freezer is safer to eat. Let’s look at how to cleanout your fridge and then freezer:


  • Take everything out of your fridge and throw away any mouldy or suspect foods. Be sure to check all expiration dates and remember ‘when in doubt, throw it out’
  • Wipe the shelves and drawers with warm water and mild soap. Rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel
  • Organize items by likeness (i.e. condiments, dressings, cheeses, etc.)
  • The most ‘stable’ foods should be kept in the shelves on the door (such as condiments) and items that spoil easily like meats, cheeses and vegetables should be kept in the drawers of the fridge
  • Use a thermometer and check your refrigerator to ensure that the temperature is somewhere between 36 and 39 degrees Fahrenheit


  • Remove all items from your freezer and take inventory
  • Toss any items with visible freezer burn or that you no longer need/won’t use
  • Re-wrap items you are keeping in plastic wrap or store in special freezer bags to avoid air exposure which causes freezer burn
  • Keep in mind that cooked meats and most leftovers will last up to two months while uncooked meats may be good for up to six months. Veggies and most other unopened foods will last for approximately one year.
  • For a guide on how to disinfect your freezer visit ‘Real Simple’s’ directions here for more information

Complete these tasks for a more organized and happy home. Fall is the perfect time to clean out your home and make room for winter wear and seasonal leftovers.