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4 Mars 2016

Best bets at Winnipeg's Freeze Frame Film Festival


Freeze Frame Film Festival number 20 is just around the corner. For today’s post, the Hazelview Properties blog team is featuring the festival, happening soon near our Winnipeg apartments.

A festival for families

Manitoba’s Media Arts Centre for Young People organizes the Freeze Frame Film Festival. This centre reaches thousands of Manitobans through important media arts and literacy programs. The March festival is just one more way the centre continues to be a leader in encouraging creativity and critical thinking in today’s young audiences.

What to expect

Festivities kick off on March 6th and continue through March 13th. The main component of the event is the films. This year’s lineup features remarkable films from 11 different countries. A complete schedule can be found online. In addition, there will be many different workshops for young audiences to choose from. Learn the ins and outs of filmmaking from the very best by encouraging your child to attend one of these hands-on classes.

The fun starts nearby

The 20th annual festival is being held at two primary locations. The main venue is located at 340 Provencher Boulevard, less than a 10-minute drive from Hargrave Place Apartments (26 & 45 Hargrave Street). The secondary venue is the Winnipeg Film Group Cinematheque (100 Arthur Street), a 10-minute walk from 160 Smith Apartments (160 Smith Street).

Save your seat

One of the best parts about the festival is its affordability. Choose between single tickets, family tickets, a family pass and the ultimate full-festival pass. To reserve, call 204.949.9355 or email [email protected]. In addition, tickets will be available 30 minutes prior to each screening at the Festival Box Office, which is located at 340 Provencher Boulevard.

Hazelview Properties hopes today’s post inspires you to add the Freeze Frame Film Festival to your March family calendar. For more information about our nearby Winnipeg apartments, visit our website today.