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30 Janvier 2017

Petiquette 101: How to puppy proof your apartment


Welcoming a puppy to your apartment can be a wonderful and exciting experience...until an unexpected injury or accident happens. Puppy proof your space to protect your little buddy. Find out how in today’s Petiquette 101 guide from Hazelview Properties.

Start with your electronics

Make your apartment safe by taking note of any household items you have that feature cords -- this can include everything from your laptop to your bedroom lamp. Remove loose or hanging cords or wires that your pet might trip over or yank accidentally. Whatever wiring remains, cover with a standard cord protector to prevent your puppy from chewing them.

Keep toxic cleaners out of reach

Having a puppy in the house is similar to having a toddler. You have to hide your cleaning products! Equally life threatening for baby and pup alike, make sure that wherever you store your cleaning supplies, they are completely out of paw’s reach. Seeking an even safer storage solution? These Baby Proof Storage tips might be just what you need. Don’t stop with your cleaning products, the same rule applies to any medication in your apartment. Trust us, childproof lid or not, your puppy’s teeth will find a way to open that bottle.

Snag your houseplants before your pup does

Dogs love to sniff and chew on household plants. This may seem fine, but you may be shocked to learn that some household plants are extremely dangerous for animals to eat. If your favourite plant makes the caution list, make sure to move it well out of your little friend’s way. But let’s be real -- even if it wasn’t toxic, you’d want to keep that prized plant away from your curious puppy’s eager mouth.

Invest in chew toys

Your apartment isn’t officially puppy proof until you have at least half-a-dozen dog toys scattered about. As puppies teeth, high-quality chew toys are absolutely essential.

The team at Hazelview Properties can’t wait to welcome your furry friend to one of our pet-friendly apartments. For more info about Hazelview Properties apartments, located in five provinces and dozens of cities across Canada, please visit our website.Â